Learn all about ingredients here.
We've created a handy overview for you, so you can quickly see which ingredients are not good for your skin and which ones actually nourish, protect, and support your skin.
as Sweet almond oil, rosebottel seed oil, sea brain seed oil, macadamia oil, sunflower oil, hazelnut oil and jojoba oil. These nourish and soften the skin and slow down the aging with essential vitamins, antioxidants, fatty acids and other substances that keep your skin healthy and balanced.
Rosebottel seed extract gives Vitamin C. The natural full-spectrum Vitamin E has been added for a strong antioxidant effect and skin protection. Pro-vitamin E From ginger extract slows down the skin aging.
Flower waters from for example Roos, Korenbloem, Chamomile and witch hazel Soothe, calm down and hydrate the skin. They also help against redness.
Essential oils like those of Frangipani, Mandarin and Waterlelie Give the wonderful scent that you can enjoy so much. The aromatherapeutic effect of these oils also means that you can relax better or have an uplifting effect.
Hyaluronic acid Ensures that your skin retains better and more moisture.
Squalan Keep your skin smooth and protects against dehydration.
Spilanthol Has a relaxing effect and softens lines.
Lemon balance Restores the balance for sensitive skin.
Pipeline Gives the right (sour) pH value and thus works calming and effectively against redness and sensitive skin.
as Sweet almond oil, rosebottel seed oil, sea brain seed oil, macadamia oil, sunflower oil, hazelnut oil and jojoba oil. These nourish and soften the skin and slow down the aging with essential vitamins, antioxidants, fatty acids and other substances that keep your skin healthy and balanced.
Artificial fragrances are the greatest cause of skin allergies. Perfume residues remain in the upper layers of the skin. That is why we use fragrances from nature. They already smell great of themselves!
This type of fat closes your skin and disrupts the balance of your skin. It makes your skin dry and tight, so that you want to smear more and more. You can get rid of this "paraffin addiction", we are happy to help you with it
The abbreviation PEG- is used with a number behind it. In addition to the fact that this emulsifier has a drying effect on the skin, unhealthy seals are also released during the production of this substance (Dioxane).
We've created a handy overview for you, so you can quickly see which ingredients are not good for your skin and which ones actually nourish, protect, and support your skin.
Recycle and get a discount
Make your used and empty packaging with the separate waste and get a discount on your next Witlof purchase. We are not going to check you, we do not need proof, but just assume that you are honest if you indicate that you have recycled the packaging. Good karma goes a long way.
1. Cardboard boxes can go with the old paper
2. Our plastic bottles can go with the separate plastic waste
3. Our glass bottles can go to the glass
The collection of separate waste works differently in every municipality. To know how you can best separate your waste, ask your municipality. Do you want to know more about different types of waste? Then check Waste separation guide.nl