Did you know 9 out of 10 products contain microplastics? We think that can, and should be done differently. Together with Weleda, Smyle, Naif, Marcel's Green Soap, The Lekker Company and Plastic Soup Foundation, we want to increase consumer awareness and transparency in the industry with this campaign. “This is more than just a campaign; it is the starting signal of a larger movement,” says a representative of the participating brands. “We want to encourage consumers to look beyond pretty packaging and complicated words. It's time to discover the real story hidden on the back of care products.”

From friendship to beauty brand:

In 2019, Witlof Skincare was introduced by friends Caroline and Cis.
Caroline was confronted with all kinds of allergic reactions at the age of seventeen, for which no cause was found. After having worked at an international law firm for a number of years, she decided to cancel her job and opened the first Ecoluxury Spa and Beautywinkel, in one, in Amsterdam. In that period she realized that, despite the beautiful foreign brands, she missed something; A Dutch brand with effective natural products that were not too expensive. This laid the seed for Witlof Skincare. 

Cis had a career as a marketer at large companies such as Procter & Gamble and Heinz, but did not feel in her place when she had to sell pizza sauce again. As the mother of four children, a conscious life was something that had become increasingly important for Cis. Caroline and Cis have been close friends for over 20 years! And when they talked to each other, about their conscious lifestyle, they decided to bring their expertise together and start Witlof Skincare.


Sustainable choices:

Witlof Skincare originated from the need to create more awareness and clarity about healthy skin care, for your skin and for nature. More and more people want to make sustainable choices, but no longer see the forest for the trees. The products of Witlof Skincare are 100% natural and vegan, with only ingredients that are healthy for your skin and not bad for nature. Witlof Skincare is also 100% free from Microplastics, but also ingredients such as parabens and sulfates!

Sustainability is in our DNA. We want to handle the skin sustainably, it's the largest organ that we have! In addition, we use ingredients that, for example, do not contain microplastics. Our packaging is also as sustainable as possible. We use a combination of glass and as much as possible recycled plastic. We can still take many steps, but try to further improve our packaging every year. We are also working on various certifications, including The Vegan Society, Ecocert and BCorp.


The dangers of microplastics:

Microplastics bring quite a few dangers, which is why they are not used within Witlof Skincare. Microplastics can irritate the skin, especially for people with sensitive skin. The small particles of microplastics can also end up in the pores of the skin, hiding. As well as this the chemicals that can be found in microplastics can also have harmful effects on the rest of the body. In addition to all these health risks, microplastics naturally also have a negative impact on the environment. They end up in the water and in animals, with all its consequences. That is why it is important to make products without microplastics. As you can see it is just possible.

To combine forces:

Witlof Skincare is growing fast as a brand (we are now available at Holland & Barrett and Etos), but we are still small compared to larger brands. By joining forces of different smaller brands with the same mission, we are able to make a greater impact. We see a world in which we consciously deal with our planet and where microplastics are forbidden. Clean natural beauty and sustainable products have then become the rule, and not the exception. That is why we are very happy to be a part of this campaign.