Know what you put!


Do you recognize the feeling that you want to rub your skin immediately after showering? Or do you have a shiny T-zone in your face? This may have to do with mineral oils, a widely used ingredient in cosmetics.


Mineral oils

Mineral oils (also called paraffin) are a waste product from the oil industry and often the basis for (non-or half-natural) creams or lotions. Because mineral oils close your skin with a watertight layer, your skin can unfortunately not absorb or excrete anything - two important functions of your skin.

The result of lubricating with a mineral oil is that your skin gets out of its natural balance. It becomes drier or fatter than it is naturally, so that your skin ages faster or gets more blockages. But the main disadvantage is that your skin becomes addicted to its use. You notice this when you stop, or for example after showering, before applying your cream. A sleek, dry skin, sheets or pimples can then occur, so that you want to spread again quickly. This is already a well -known phenomenon among users of lip balms that are addictive. If you want to know more about the effects of mineral oils, then view here our blog.

But, once you know what you put, how do you get rid of that addiction? We recommend the chicory skin detox On. Reading here our blog About how to do a skin detox.


Ingredient lists

If you choose a skin care product to try out, you always look at the packaging and instructions, but how often do you look closely at the ingredient list? In many cases, products may contain artificial ingredients, such as silicone or mineral oils that can really hide your pores and cause acne or irritations. And that is exactly the opposite of what you buy the product for! Moreover, there can also be aggressive alcohols or unnatural fragrances are used that can damage your skin barrier or cause other problems.

The next time you try a product, choose something that uses natural and organic ingredients. With Chicory Skincare we are animal -free and vegan, so what you put on your skin is natural and clean and does not damage animals or our planet.


Want to know more about the ingredients we use? Or do you not know which product you need? Plan then here A free online skin consultation with Caroline.

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