Did you know that the optimum skin care routine differs per skin type?

Every type of skin needs different ingredients and products to function healthy and well. That is why it is important to know what your skin type is. Do you not know what type of skin you have? In this blog we explain how the different skin types can be recognized, so that you can find appropriate skin care routine skin to get and keep your skin healthy.

How do you recognize your skin type?

But how do you recognize which skin type you have? We put the different types and how you can recognize them in a row.

Dry skin

With dry skin, flaking or shedding often occurs on the skin surface. This comes together with some redness and rougher skin. In addition, with extreme dryness, the skin can also itch or feel tight. Especially if you spend a lot of time outside in cold weather, or after taking a (too) hot shower.

Fat skin

Great skin often feels greasy and shines, usually in the T-zone (the nose, chin and the forehead). The pores are also often increased. Great skin is more susceptible to acne, blackheads and pimples due to active sebum production and therefore clogged pores.

Combined skin

If you have combined skin, it means that you have both fat and drier parts of your skin. With this type of skin, oily skin is often found in the T-zone of the face and dry skin is located on the cheeks and around the jaw. In addition, combined skin often has that the texture and condition of the skin can change regularly.

Usually combined skin is caused by an unbalanced sebum production or a damaged skin barrier. An unbalanced sebum production can occur when your pores get clogged by bacteria or dead skin cells. A damaged skin barrier can be caused by external factors such as aggressive or incorrect skin care, environmental factors or an unhealthy lifestyle (for example, smoking, lack of sleep or stress). Also specifically the daily lubrication of products with mineral oils or silicones remove the skin from its natural balance.

Normal skin

You recognize normal skin because the skin has a smooth and smooth texture and no flaking. The skin also has a balanced and even color and no sensitivity to stains or redness. This skin type is not sensitive.

Sensitive skin

You have sensitive skin if your skin reacts faster than other skin types to certain products through redness or irritation, or by environmental factors such as weather conditions or sun. This is usually because the skin barrier is not optimal. This makes the skin lose its protection and can irritate substances more easily. This makes the skin more vulnerable and can suffer from infections or allergic reactions. The skin can feel warm, turn red or itch.



During pregnancy, the condition of your skin can change due to the pregnancy hormones. In this case, hyperpigmentation, pregnancy acne or drier skin can occur, while you didn't have that before your pregnancy. It is particularly important to use clean skin care products that is not only healthy and safe for your skin, but also for your baby, during and after pregnancy.


Change of skin type?

During your life course your skin type can (partly) change. This is partly due to the influence of hormones. Hormones influence sebum production and this becomes a lot higher during puberty or sometimes during pregnancy, so that the type of skin can change (temporarily). In addition, your skin type can also change by using the wrong skin care products. To find out if this is the case for you, always guess chicory skincare a skin detox. With this detox, the skin eliminates itself from all the annoying substances of these products and your skin can restore its natural balance again. Your skin type also comes "appear", so that you can then adjust your care routine to it.


Skin care

For each different skin type, Chicory Skincare has developed a special set with a complete routine for the needs of this type of skin. Take a look at our website underneath "Skin types" . Here you will find more information about taking care of your skin type and which products Witlof recommend.

Do you not yet know for sure what type of skin you have after reading the blog? Or do you want more information? Then book a (free) consultation with our skin expert Caroline.

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